Monday, September 20, 2010

San Antonio Rose

Day 17 Knippa, Tx. To Boerne, Tx. 86 miles, 7 hours, 9min. Avg. Spd. 12mph. Total miles 1455.

Willie Nelson once remade a Patsy Cline song entitled
"San Antonio Rose," I always liked that song and it came to mind tonight after I realized where I was. I am not in a motel, I did not eat in a restaurant,
and, I will not listen to the sound of a motel air conditioner going on and off all night.
I am at the home of Suzanne(Brooks) and Paul Gass. Suzanne is Jason's sister and Lehn and Diana Brooks daughter. Suzanne was also a member of the Twickenham youth group when I came to Twickenham in 1992. Suzanne and Paul have a 10 month old daughter named Ella. Ella is the bomb. Unfortunately, Paul is not here because he's deployed to Haiti with the army reserves until November.
I arrived at Suzanne's house with Jason in tow about 4:00 PM. An hour earlier I was on Bandera Rd., when sirens suddenly shattered my concentration and my ear drums. I thought to myself, "what have I done now." It turns out it was Suzanne, on her way home from work. Suzanne works for the Department of Homeland Security, and her car is equipped with, sirens, flashers, machine guns, smoke screens, a latte machine and a bunch of other stuff, very cool.
Ok, this getting way to long, the point is I had roast, mashed potatoes, fried okra and rolls, right here in the house. I mean, I had a lot of roast, mashed potatoes, and fried okra. It was smokin' good.
Today's ride was more of the same, rain this morning, headwinds to 20mph, and lots of ups and downs. My old friend Jeff Wyatt promises that the winds are going to shift soon, Jeff, I'm counting on you buddy.
I guess it should be noted that I'm real close to the halfway point. That's hard to believe, because I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE TO DO THIS FOR ANOTHER. 1545 MILES!
It's kind of interesting though, I realized today that after you do this for this long, it just becomes who you are. It occurs to me that discipleship, and prayer life, and righteous living are kind of like that. You have to keep practicing them daily until they become who you are.
Amy and the boys are driving all day tomorrow, please pray for them. This next week will be different as I try to ride and spend time with them. We're going to see the University of Texas (Kolton may wet himself) and some other Austin sights.
Jason is another in a growing list of angels. My deepest thanks to him for his time and friendship. I'm also grateful that Vallye, Hadley, and Kennedy gave him up for a few days.
Here's some pics.

A rainy start in Knippa, Tx. 7:30AM.

This is defined as limited shoulder.

Where is Jason? Is he hiding again?

I love semi's, but those cattle haulers are the best. Nothing like the smell of cow pies first thing in the morning.

Wow, that guy was close. Actually, it's an optical illusion, he missed me by at least 6 inches.

I think I can......

I think I can......

I can!

Hey, where did everybody go?

Winds out of the east. I scoff at winds out of the east, I own winds out of the east, I hope the winds are out of the east tomorrow.... Ok, not really.

Wait, did I make a wrong turn? I saw that sign in San Diego.

I did make a wrong turn. Emory pass is in New Mexico.

Why do they print flood signs backwards?

Hey folks when you see a sign like this, take it from me, a cyclist, SHARE THE ROAD PLEASE!

Now that is the best sign of the day.
Thanks Suzanne, my San Antonio Rose,
Good night all,

Location:Silver Rock,San Antonio,United States


  1. YEAH!!!! Home cooking!!! I know you are a happy man!! Sweet! I LOVE visiting with Suzanne when I am in San Antonio every August. And you are right - Ella is the bomb! Such a sweety! Paul and Suzanne are like so many military families who sacrifice each and every day. Great folks!

    We will keep Amy, Kolton, Kooper and Kody in our prayers. They are really looking forward to seeing you and yes I do think that Kolton is about to croak about being in Austin and near the University of Texas and the stadium he so loves! I would love to just watch him as you near the campus!

    The winds will change......they always do. I know you are ready for westerly winds to come sooner rather than later.

    God bless......

  2. Lincoln! I can't believe I finally am getting to send a note. Wait. Maybe it won't send like the last one! You'd think someone with a blog would know how to comment! Have been praying! Homeschooling an inner city kid feels kind of like your bike ride for me. So daily. So much to overcome. Such an uphill battle. But I must say that there has been wind on our backs and our study of Jonah has been such a heart touch for Jacques and me as I watch her encounter truth! Hang in there buddy! We are keeping up with you!

  3. Almost halfway.
    I'm concerned about those 11 miles you lost from Uvalde to Knippa.
    I really think you could get to DeRidder by Monday night.

  4. Lincoln,

    Glad you got some home cook'in...Hope you get some tailwind...Hang in there. YOU DA MAN!


  5. Lincoln,

    Is that grass you are standing on? Are those buildings behind you that actually have people living in them? What are those fancy road signs and stop lights that I see in the pictures? Man, you must have travelled a long way brother!! It is like you are in a completely different country.

    I had a great conversation with our neighbor Jim Payne today regarding your journey. He wishes you well and is lifting you up in prayer. He also wants to know if you would be interested in a Saturday ride the week you get back. We were thinking about pushing it to ride a cool 30 miles. Of course, I told him that you might have the Surly out to pasture by then.

  6. Just like the postman, you are going to deliver your miles in the rain, wind, and hopefully NO snow. Got to love the elements.
    Continued prayers for safety and a great time with your family!

  7. Lincoln - you have inspired me to keep my cycling season going a bit longer this year than usual. Typically after my September charity ride for Multiple Sclerosis I slow things down and hang the bike up for the Winter. Not this year, I have signed up to do a charity ride for Cystic Fibrosis in November. That is much later into the season than I have ever ridden.

    Keep the rubber side down and pedals moving in circles.

  8. Hey Linc,
    I'm praying that Amy and the boys have arrived safely by now. I'm also thankful that you are maybe planning to let Surly sleep in a little (I'm talking about the bike and not you of course). Its even ok if you give the blog a day off but you realize that thanks to the faithful blogging and pics that its been quite a trip for those of us in the virtual peanut gallery. I add my thanks to all the Brooks family members that have had your back. They are all very special folk.
    Look forward to the next installment when you're (speaking of Willie) "on the road again",
    be blessed,
